NRM service area is aimed at ensuring environmental integrity by supporting sustainable production methods to ensure food security, conserve biodiversity and prevent land degradation. We have been at the fore-front of working with communities to implement climate smart agriculture, establish sustainable wood fuel, eco-charcoal, briquettes and cogeneration through development of woody crops establishment for agro-industries such as tea, coffee and sugarcane and cement companies.
C&E provides expertise in:
- Training and capacity building on the impacts, challenges and opportunities in natural resource management activities.
- Climate smart agriculture including agroforestry and vertical gardens
- Reduced emission from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) strategies and implementation
- Establishment of biomass and biofuel production units
- Community training on sustainable use of forest products
- Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM), identify risks and action plans
- NRM based conflict resolution mechanisms and conflict sensitive land use planning
- Community water resource management, and innovative distribution